You were designed by God to live in community. Let’s grow together as we explore God’s truths.
Our Couple’s Groups create space to share your lives with each other while growing spiritually through the highs and lows of life.
Throughout the year, we offer amazing “marriage building” events where you can meet friends and enjoy time with your significant other.
Our retreats revitalize your marriage, building stronger bonds, and strengthening your love for each other.
We love our families, as Christ loved the Church- giving himself up for her.
At Peace, we value and understand the importance of raising up men of God by seeking friendships with other godly men.
Besides our weekly Bible Studies, we offer opportunities to hang out together and sharpen our perspective and faith.
For over 15 years, 500 men gather together for food, fellowship, and inspiration.
Each August, we get together for some smoked food and digging into God’s Word.
God gives us everything we need to do what He’s called us to do.
We desire to connect with and encourage one another, while learning to be fully devoted followers of Christ.
Besides our weekly Bible Studies, we offer other opportunities to cultivate friendships and explore our faith together.
Be inspired and encouraged in your walk of faith, with other followers of Christ.
Take time away and visit Covenant Cedars, connecting with other women as you dig into God’s Word and step away from the busyness of life.
Come together in an intimate setting, preparing room for Jesus as the Advent Season begins.
We strive to offer opportunities for everyone to grow in faith and build lasting friendships.
Our Senior Adults meet once a month, for a lunch and learn experience.
See what’s happening each month!